![Self-aligned photolithography_SEM](images/PR_molded_SEM.png)
Figure 2: Scanning electron micrographs of fabricated sensors: (a)
co-axial sensor and (b) cross-axial sensor.
Temperature Compensated Fabry-Perot Pressure Sensor Created by Using UV-molding
process with an Optical Fiber Based Mold [3]
process (or UV imprinting process) is one of fabrication processes that make
use of a UV curable polymer. The process usually consists of several steps
including master pattern fabrication, mold fabrication, dispensing/exposure,
and demolding. If a master pattern is used as a mold, the first step can be
omitted. This process has been applied to fabricate various optical elements
with small features, which allows for enhanced thermo-mechanical stability, low
birefringence, and low-cost. In this work, a Fabry-Perot (FP) pressure sensor
with built-in temperature measurement and compensation capability is designed
and fabricated based on a UV-molding process and the metal-polymer composite
thin film fabrication method described previously. Figure 3 illustrate the
fabrication process of the sensor.
3: Fabrication process of UV-molded fiber optic pressure sensor.
sensor is composed of a UV-molded optical cavity and a polymer-metal composite
diaphragm, which is fabricated at the end of a single mode fiber with a
pre-written fiber Bragg grating, rendering the sensor the capability of
temperature compensation and simultaneous measurement of pressure and
temperature. The mold used for UV-molding process is built by assembling a
polished ferrule and a cleaved optical fiber, which eliminates the need for a
costly semiconductor or direct machining process and enables high accuracy
optical alignment of the mold and the sensing fiber. The sensor fabrication
follows simple, repeatable processes and safe procedures, and uses less
expensive materials and equipment. This fabrication method can also be used for
batch fabrication or wafer scale fabrication with minor modifications to the
processes. Scanning electron micrographs of the fabricated co-axial and
cross-axial sensors are shown in Figure 4.
Figure 4: SEM images of (a) fabricated sensor
and (b) diaphragm close-up.
on this work
[1] Bae,
H., Zhang, X. M., Liu, H., & Yu, M., ”Miniature
surface-mountable Fabry-Perot pressure sensor constructed with a 45 degree angled
fiber,” Optics
Letters, 35(10), 1701–1703 (2010).
Bae, H., Dunlap, L., Wong, J., & Yu, M., “Miniature Temperature Compensated
Fabry – Perot Pressure Sensors Created With Self-Aligned Polymer
Photolithography Process,” IEEE Sensors Journal, 12(5) (2012).
Bae, H., & Yu, M., “Miniature Fabry-Perot pressure sensor created by using
UV-molding process with an optical fiber based mold,” Optics Express, 20(13),